Sunday, June 7, 2009

Gordonator Salvation

In the week of the local and European elections, you could be forgiven for thinking it is more like a parody of the new Terminator film, with Gordon playing the emotionless tinman doing what he can to survive and a whole cast of MP's playing the resistance, albeit they are more like the resistance from 'Allo 'Allo!, than that of the Terminator franchise, and with the John Connor role yet to be cast.
The current battle seems to stem from the fiasco of the MP's expenses, which personally I wasn't surprised to find had been abused to its full extent although I have been surprised by the sheer range of scope there is for the claims that have been made.  The apparent plan of the resistence, is to distract and move the glare of the media from themselves and their expense claims and have the focus clearly on the dark lord himself.  It's not a bad plan, claim the leader you have supported all this time is unfit for purpose and to show how strongly you feel about this by resigning from your post in the cabinet and hope that as a result you have shifted enough of the focus away from the expenses, including your own, and be able to slip into the background and be virtually forgotten by the time the general election arrives in less than a year's time.
The main problem with the a plan of this nature is that unless you have a John Connor character who can take on and replace the 'The Gordonator' then you will not get enough support from the rest of the bad bunch to complete the mission and as it currently stands the resistance are more likely employ Rene Artois to lead their fight.
So as I write this, which is just before the results of the European elections are announced, there are many questions that will be asked and no doubt answered over the course of the next week and it currently looks like 'The Gordonator' may just win this battle but probably won't win the war and with 'Blair's Babes' being the more prominent people to have jumped ship, as well as the Lieutenant Hubert Gruber of this story played by James Purnell, I wonder who will be providing the material for all the nation's top comics of the next few weeks.
It's just a shame that there is only one more episode of the current series of 'Have I Got News For You'.

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