Monday, July 6, 2009

The 3Gs By An iPhone Virgin

Well it's been a couple of weeks since I broke my iPhone cherry and queued outside my local O2 shop and got my hands on the new iPhone 3Gs and I have to say that I have been really impressed. But a lot has been written about the iPhone in the past, and at the moment all the talk is about the new features like the camera, voice control and the fingerprint proof screen and this is my view on these new features.....

THE CAMERA: At 3 megapixels, the camera isn't going to win any prizes but it is certainly at a level which means it can be put to good use and with the video function, which has previously been missing from the early models, you have yourself a device that can make your media almost instantly available to the world, by making uploading to YouTube so easy.

Below you will find links to a photo I took with the iPhone and two videos, the 1st I video recorded with my iPhone and the 2nd is me recording and uploading that video to YouTube, just to show how easy & quick it is.

VOICE CONTROL: Another function that has been talked about by the media is the voice control. I have now been using the voice control for a couple of weeks and it has worked pretty well, when it comes to it's basic functions, but when it comes to recognising the names of artists or albums it can get it wrong, so you do need to speak clearly and hope there is not too much background noice. Below is a video I recorded of the voice control in action, although, unlike what appears to be in every news report in the media I am using Stereophonics instead of The Killers.

FINGERPRINT PROOF: As I'm an iPhone virgin, I am not familiar with the problems the earlier models had, but I have had a PDA in the past and I did get problems with my N95. I have found the iPhone screen pretty resilient to my fingers and have found that the screen cleans very easy with just a quick wipe.

Moving away from the new features, I just want to mention the apps, because as a newbie to the world of Apps I have enjoyed trying the various offerings available, from the games to the social media tools, and thought I would quickly write about a couple of my favourite apps so far.

Firstly there's AudioBoo, which is where you can post an mini podcast to the AudioBoo website, for all to listen. Your not just limited to their website because if you have iTunes, you can submit your "Boo's" RSS feed to be listed on iTunes. I have recorded a 'Boo' of this blog post and you can find the link below.

There is also a number of apps to help you stay in touch with various social networking websites, so updating your status on the move is easy. I have even tweeted a little message for the readers of this blog, just refer to the links below.

My favourite game is Wild West Pinball, which at the time of writing this is free to download.

Ultimately, I have found my first expeirences with the iPhone very enjoyable and with the wide range of apps available, I can see the boredom factor not really kicking in, as you can do a surprising amount of stuff, including this blog entry which has been written using the Wordpress app, with the only non-iPhone input coming from the 'making off' video I recorded and giving this entry the once over before posting.
    Here are the links to the content mentioned in the blog
  • Photo taken with iPhone 3Gs -

  • Video that I recorded with the iPhone 3Gs - SD

  • Video of the video camera in action - Watch in either SD or HD

  • Video of the Voice Control in action - Watch in either SD or HD

  • Twitter post sent using Tweetdeck App - View Tweet

  • Listen to this blog post on AudioBoo

Monday, June 15, 2009

What's In A Name?

What's in a name?  Well for me, my name is becoming more and more important, as far as my online identity is concerned. This is because, as social networking starts to take up more of our time and more social networking websites appear, we are looking, as individuals, for consistency by ensuring we have the same online presence throughout.
A prime example of how important a name is can be easily found by just looking at Facebook this week. Facebook decided to bring in usernames, simply meaning people could find your profile by typing, because it was a feature of other sites and they don't want to lose visitors, so if you can't beat them you join them (or should I say copy them). With just a few days notice of this happening, Facebook managed to attract 500,000 username registrations with in 15 minutes of going live, 345,000 of which were in the first 7 minutes, and by the time the first hour had passed 1,000,000 usernames had been registered and, at the time of writing this, there had been over 3,000,000 usernames registered. What was even more impressive was that the usernames went active at 5:01am BST on a Saturday morning (9:01pm PDT Friday night) and they still attracted that much traffic, which just demonstrates how important we do find our online identities regardless of if it is our actual name, nickname or online persona.
Our online identities has also been on the agenda of Twitter this week, with the planned introduction of Verified Accounts, which is simply a badge as it were on the top of the profile that confirms that the twitter page your looking at is that of the genuine person and not an imposter. What this means to the average user, like you and I, is not a lot at the moment (although possibly will be in the future) as it has initially been targeted towards it's more high profile users, namely celebrities, due to the number of people that have created fake celebrity profiles and are then trying to be pass themselves off as genuine, which could lead to all sorts of accusations being made. An example of this is BBC Radio 1 Breakfast DJ Chris Moyles, who has mentioned a few times during his highly rated show about the twitter imposter's who have even tried to fool some the people that work on the show, that there him, and this is where having 'Verified Account' on your profile would help.
If your not a celebrity and want to protect and secure your online identity you have to be registered first, even if you don't intend on using the service straight away. For example, there is a new site called Audioboo that is starting to grow in popularity, due to the Stephan Fry affect, that I registered with a month or so ago, even though I am unable to use the site properly (as you need an iPhone to upload), just so I could makesure I got the username I wanted, for when I either get an iPhone or for when the service is be available on other mobile phones.
Ultimately, 'What's In A Name?' is how you define it and, in terms of the Internet, how concerned you are about having consistency between the different site you use.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Gordonator Salvation

In the week of the local and European elections, you could be forgiven for thinking it is more like a parody of the new Terminator film, with Gordon playing the emotionless tinman doing what he can to survive and a whole cast of MP's playing the resistance, albeit they are more like the resistance from 'Allo 'Allo!, than that of the Terminator franchise, and with the John Connor role yet to be cast.
The current battle seems to stem from the fiasco of the MP's expenses, which personally I wasn't surprised to find had been abused to its full extent although I have been surprised by the sheer range of scope there is for the claims that have been made.  The apparent plan of the resistence, is to distract and move the glare of the media from themselves and their expense claims and have the focus clearly on the dark lord himself.  It's not a bad plan, claim the leader you have supported all this time is unfit for purpose and to show how strongly you feel about this by resigning from your post in the cabinet and hope that as a result you have shifted enough of the focus away from the expenses, including your own, and be able to slip into the background and be virtually forgotten by the time the general election arrives in less than a year's time.
The main problem with the a plan of this nature is that unless you have a John Connor character who can take on and replace the 'The Gordonator' then you will not get enough support from the rest of the bad bunch to complete the mission and as it currently stands the resistance are more likely employ Rene Artois to lead their fight.
So as I write this, which is just before the results of the European elections are announced, there are many questions that will be asked and no doubt answered over the course of the next week and it currently looks like 'The Gordonator' may just win this battle but probably won't win the war and with 'Blair's Babes' being the more prominent people to have jumped ship, as well as the Lieutenant Hubert Gruber of this story played by James Purnell, I wonder who will be providing the material for all the nation's top comics of the next few weeks.
It's just a shame that there is only one more episode of the current series of 'Have I Got News For You'.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Great Social Convergence

Over the last few years, social networking has revolutionised how we communicate with our friends, family, and the outside world.  The revolution first started with websites like FriendsReunited, that for the first time gave users an easy way of getting back in contact with people they had lost touch with, but this was somewhat limited to just a basic profile page and if you wanted to actually get in contact with people you had pay a fee (or try and cleverly add an email or web address into the text of your profile without the administrators finding it).  The problem with paying for social networking is that the masses will look for a free alternative elsewhere and this was the next stage in the revolution, thanks to sites like MySpace and Facebook, with both sites offering fun and free ways to stay in touch, as well as a way to follow your favourite celebrities.


Now with the likes of Twitter and the fledgling Audioboo also being added to the mix, you could be forgiven for thinking they will need to ditch one or more of these sites as time constraints mean you can't keep all of your various profiles up to date.  But not to worry, because there is the next stage in the social revolution and it is coming from a convergence of the various social networking and blogging sites, which are making it possible for you to update your status and send pictures to the various sites just the once.  For example, in the last few months I have become a user of Twitter and find it a lot of fun, but as I was already an avid Facebook user, which meant trying to keep both sites with my status.  But thankfully I only need to do this once, because to quote Apple 'There's an App for that', which means anything I post to Twitter (excluding replies to other tweets) appears on Facebook as a normal status update, which is becoming more commonplace between most of the sites


A good example of 'The Great Social Convergence' comes from a site called Tumblr, which is a relatively unknown blogging website which lets you update direct with text/photos/audio/video but will also update your blog with RSS feeds, either directly from the link or by entering your username for the sites Tumblr has listed, which you can do for up to 5 different sites.  The end result is that you don't really have to update Tumblr direct at all, because it can just run the feeds from your other networks (so tweets from Twitter, video's from YouTube, your blog from Wordpress, photos from Flickr, the list goes on), which means that you have another complete online social presence which requires next to nothing to maintain, it also generates an RSS feed for your blog which also includes these other feeds.


So as we look to the future, I can certainly see social convergence being a bigger selling point for a social network, especially as more and more people are updating on the move from their portable devices.


After all, what could be easier than just clicking send once?

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

I just want to wish everybody a very merry Christmas.

No don't stuff your faces to much!!!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Happy 50th Birthday Dad!!!

I just wanted to say happy birthday to my dad, who has turned the big 50 today!!!

I hope you enjoy being a fully paid up member of Saga!!!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Bro!!!

Just wanted to say a Happy Birthday to my Brother Andrew, who has turned 27 today!!!